Saturday, December 29, 2012

2013 Goals

The thought of a New Year's Resolution kind of makes me cringe.  
It's not the changing, but the thought of not completing what I set out to do.
For a month I have been brainstorming some things I need to work on.
Of course there is the normal: eat less, move more, get organized, read my Bible more.

But I need very specific goals. 
Something that is both attainable and stretches me.
It also need to be specific so I don't lose sight of it.
If I don't know my goal then I can't reach it.

One of the things I really want to focus on this year is on being intentional.
So here are a few things I want to work on and do:

*One Random Act of Kindness a Month {inspired by Light 'Em Up}
Trying to be more intentional about going out of way to help others

*Run 2 Races {600 miles in 2013} workout tips

*At least One Craft a Week with Addi

*Read FOUR Personal Growth Books: 
I've had all these books around the house and haven't found time to read them,
between college and kids my reading is usually textbooks or parenting books.

*Blog Thankfulness Weekly
Each week I want to take time to reflect on what I have to be thankful for.

*Drink More Water
*Sew More Often
*Graduate {YAY!!!!}
*Dig Deeper in the Word

Live Simply & Intentionally!

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