Q. What is your email address?- kaitbibb (at) gmail (dot) com

Q. Is your family blended? We are one big family, however I'm not the biological son of our son.  The Lord has blessed me to be his bonus mama and I'm so grateful for how he's changed my life.  

Q. Do you homeschool? Yes!  This is our first year that we're really going to try to be diligent in homeschooling at least three days a week. However, I am a big believer that learning takes place all the time.  Either through asking questions, reading, cooking, exploring our surrounding area, etc.   

Q. Do you always plan on homeschooling? Our family believes that we'll take it year by year with each child.  However, we dream of homeschooling through high school if that's what the Lord has for us.

Q. Do you plan on having more kids? Yes, when the Lord brings them to us.  We are open to more biological babies and feel called to adopt as well.  Although we don't know when the time will come for more kids, we are anticipating many more littles ones around our house.

Q. What religion are you? I am a Christian. I believe there is one true God. I believe in a Risen Savior. If you'd like to know more I would love to tell you about how the Lord has changed my life and how He can change yours. Please email me kaitbibb (at) gmail (dot) com

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