Friday, November 02, 2012

Blessed with Health

Today our focus is being blessed with our health and I am SO blessed!
In high school I was so sick and miss so much school people thought I was a new girl.
My body rejected almost everything I ate.
It was months of plain cooked pasta and animal crackers.
Not so healthy, but it was the absolute only things that didn't send me to the hospital.
One time I remember being in so much pain I couldn't say the letter "T."
That night ended in a trip to the ER and a shot in the rear.
I was also told it might be very hard for me to have kids.

Today I have the most beautiful little girl and I am healthy.
Somehow I take it for granted now.
But if I take time to reflect on how God has healed my body, I'm blown away.

YogaADay on Instagram

It seems like a completely different life throwing up at the smell certain smells, leaving parties because the food made me sick, not having a single week in my senior year that I attended five days a week.

It seems appropriate that I've felt very convicted of my current health habits lately.
When I ran my 10K I felt on top of the world! 
I couldn't believe my body held up and I exceeded my goals.
Now, I've probably run ten times since May.

My clean eating habits {I say habits because I'm not a clean eater} have slowly faded.
As the busyness of holidays approach I want to be happy about my choices.
No, I don't think I need to run over three miles at a time in the snow.
However I want to be happy with what I'm doing.

10 push-ups, 10 crunches, 10 squats {5 rounds} 

That means I've accepted the Clean Eats in the Zoo at home CrossFit challenge.
During this time I'll be doing light running a few days a week. 
Through out the winter I want to be able to do light running,
then start working my way up to complete a 25K race!

I have goals! {finally again!}
For Christmas I'm thinking race registration.

I'm blessed with where I've come from and want to continue honoring God with my body.

"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."

-1 Corinthians 6:19-20

21 Days of Gratitude

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