Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Ten things that make me really happy...

1. Addi's nap time - this means mama gets time to myself.  In the last month I've decided that since I'm not a morning person, if I haven't got my alone time with God yet that I do it at nap time.  It's such a pick me up and gets me through the afternoon better then any cup of coffee.
2. My husband - that man knows how to make me laugh and smile and just keeps life simple and real.  I like to call him the toddler whisperer, although now it's more like the preschool whisperer.  He's an amazing man and daddy.
3. My babes - they always try to make sure I have a smile on my face and they know how to love with out limits.
4. Running + #52milesinmay (running hashtag from @hausofgirls) - it's simply stress relief for me.  I love getting out there and running! And the awesome support that comes from the running community.
5. #shereadstruth - this community of Christian women has helped me to get real about getting in the Word.  They're always keeping it fresh, relevant and women join you in support from all over the world.
6. Instagram - I follow some pretty inspiring women.  I love that you can get a glimpse in to the everyday lives of other moms.  That you can post a quick picture and get their prayers and support.  It's simple and sweet.
7. Driving around like crazy people in my in laws go kart.
8. Spending simple, relaxing Saturday afternoons with my family.
9. Spontaneous trips with the ones I love. And watching my kids discover new things.
10. Spending time with my parents + siblings.  I wish we all lived closer.

{writing prompt + link up}

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