Thursday, November 29, 2012

Simple Beauty

I'm no fashionista at all! Here is why:
1. I'm tall. Tall girls have a hard time find clothes that are long enough and aren't tents.
2. I was raised by a mama who wasn't a fashionista.  We were good with t-shirts and jeans.
3. I'm cheap! 

However, in my older years I've liked to look a little cute, but always comfy. 
Lets face it, I'm a mom so I go from cuddling to library time to play dates to play dough.
Life wouldn't be as fun if I was stuck in uncomfortable clothes. 

This weekend I have to dress up "mom style" for a function and I'm a little freaked out.
Nothing in my closet is jumping out at me, go figure.
Then I look at my sweet little girl {who let me curl her hair today} and she is radiant!
Her smile melts the hearts of anyone around her.
Even if she's running around in undies she's beautiful.

Her beautiful comes from within! 
She never worried about what other people think.
Compassion and love overflow from her.
Lord teach me to love and be the women you created me to be...

P.S. we decided my outfit have to much color.  Help!!

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